
来源:甘寒天栏目:生活时间:2024-05-20 19:41:30


1、the magic of the goiden flouen ,healed the queen,金色魔花治好了王后的病。

2、A healthy baby girl,a princess was born,我们也迎来了为健康的小公主。

3、with beautiful golden hair,她有着美丽的金色的头发。

4、That is Raounzel,她就是长发公主。

5、To celebrate her birth the king ang queen launched a fiying lantern in to the sky,为了给她庆生国王和王后向夜空放了盏天灯。

6、And for that one moment everything was perfect,到此为止一切都非常完美。

7、And then that moment ended,不过好时光总是稍纵即逝。

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